Get a smartphone for the first time and make it your ally

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We know that technology has advanced in recent years, and that we can now choose from many options when it comes to cell phones. But what does this decision depend on and how can we choose a cell phone that really satisfies our needs and tastes?

First of all, you should know that the newer the cell phone, the more functions and applications it will probably have that can make your day-to-day life easier, but if you don't have the money to go to the store to buy a top-of-the-line cell phone, there is always the option of a credit or financing.

However, there are applications and basic functionalities that most cell phones already come with. For example: camera, calendar, weather information, e-mail, gallery, etc. All these tools are extremely useful in our daily lives and as time goes by they are improved and optimized to be customized and get the most out of them.

However, there are more applications that we can download, both free and paid, to get even more utility to our cell phone or Smartphone. These can be linked to your hobbies, related to your work or topics of your interest.

Here is a list of some of the apps that may interest you depending on your tastes, interests and needs:

For gamers

The gamer sector is one of the most benefited, in terms of mobile technology, here are some of the most popular applications in case you are a fan of video games:

Twitch. One of the most popular free applications and social networks to watch various streamers playing their favorite games.
Steam. Although it was originally intended as an application for PC gamers, they also recommend having it on your mobile to make your account more secure against hacks.
Geforce Now. This app allows you to connect to Steam and play games without a computer, through the cloud. Although it has a subscription service, there is also a free option with certain restrictions.

For students

Students have found the balance between necessity and functionality when it comes to technology. Here are some of the best apps for student life:

Wunderlist. An ally app to plan and organize projects, through a record of activities in this virtual agenda, there will be no more excuses to deliver tasks at the wrong time.
Pocket. One of the perfect applications to save all those web contents, readings, eBooks, etc., that you find useful for your tasks and projects.
Time Planner. This application will be your best friend when it comes to control and planning your days. An excellent way to optimize your time and fulfill all those pending tasks.

These are just some examples of applications that you can download, in case you share any of these interests or needs. However, there are already a world of apps that, as we mentioned before, can help you and satisfy your tastes in your day to day life.

Research on the best cell phones of the year or new models, you can give you guidelines on new technologies and features that, of course, are improving all the time.

In KrediYa we help you with financing for your next smartphone, so do not wait any longer, ask for it with us and release it today.

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